Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

"Article of Music"

"Article of Music"
Heavy metal (or 'Metal') is a musical genre, often referred to as the progenitor of various metal subgenres (eg. black metal, death metal, etc.). Metal derives directly from blues and rock, even if in some sub-genres there is an evident influence of classical music. Heavy metal is mainly blues-based, using pentatonic scales and a blues-like song structure whilst displaying aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, generally with grandiose lyrics and virtuoso instrumentation. These lyrics sometimes include dark thematic elements, or are based on fantasy themes and Celtic mysticism.
Heavy metal is a development of blues, blues rock, and psychedelic rock. Its origins lie in the hard rock bands that between 1966 and 1975 took blues and rock and created a hybrid with a heavy, guitar-and-drums-centred sound. Heavy metal had its peak popularity in the mid-1980s, during which many of the now existing sub-genres first evolved. Although not as commercially successful as it was then, heavy metal still has a large world-wide following of fans known by terms like 'head-bangers' and 'metal-heads'.

“Broken Leg”

“Broken Leg”
Slamet Riyadi is my name. I was an active boy. When i was elemantary school, i was often played with all my friends. Once upon a time, i played games called “catch and run”. As ussual, i played it in the night. Actually, my father didn’t permitted me to went out in the night, but i was not heard him. I still went out to played with my friends. When my friends ran to catched me, i climbed and jumped to stone, finally i fallen down and my leg was broken. I felt so sick. My parents were shocked when they heard about my situation. I picked up and i had medical treatment for 3 months.

“Happiness fam”

“Happiness fam”
My name is Slamet Riyadi, my friends called me Mamat YO Maat ..
I have one lovely father and mother. My father’s name is Samsul Hadi, in my opinion that’s a perfect name and my mother’s name is Asiah. Moreover, i have two brothers and one sister. And i am the last child. All of my brother and sister have been married, and they have sons. Now, i am a student of Gunadarma University. I have a many funny friends in my campus, like Fadil, Hanny, feri, and many more. Once again, i have a spesial friend. Her name is Nia. She always beside me.

“Economy Of Indonesia”

“Economy Of Indonesia”
Indonesia has a market-based economy where a significant role is played by the government. There are a lot of state-owned enterprises. The government administers prices on several basic goods: fuel, rice, electricity. After financial and economic crisis that began in mid-1997, the government took care of a great portion of private sector propriety. It acquired non-performing bank loans and corporate assets. Indonesia's economy grew from a per capita GDP of $70 to $1,000 by 1996. Inflation was held in the 5%-10% range with the help of effective monetary and fiscal policies. The government managed to avoid domestic financing of budget deficits, it was financed by foreign aid. (Lindblad J. 1996)
In the mid-1980s,the government began eliminating obstacles to economic activity. Its policy was aimed at the external and financial sectors. The government tried to stimulate employment and growth in different export sectors. Annual real GDP growth averaged nearly 7% from 1987-1997. As a result most analysts recognized Indonesia as a newly industrializing economy and emerging major market. But nevertheless there were some structural weaknesses in Indonesia's economy during 1987-1997, the legal system was very weak, and there was no effective way to enforce contracts, collect debts. Non-tariff barriers, domestic subsidies, barriers to domestic trade, and export restrictions all created economic distortions. (Howard D.,Vincent J.H., Lindblad J. 2002)
The regional financial problems influenced Indonesia in late 1997 and cause economic and political crisis. But in October 1997, Indonesia and the IMF reached agreement. It concerned an economic reform program aimed at macroeconomic stabilization and elimination of some of the most damaging economic policies.
The effects of financial and economic crisis were considerable. In 1998, real GDP was 13.7%, but in mid-1999 real GDP growth for the year was only 0.3%. Inflation reached 77% in 1998. Events of 1997-1998 forced Indonesia to import great amounts of rice. It reduced domestic demand and caused the absence of new investment. Formal sector employment lowed significantly. Economic data provide evidence that the economic turnaround of 1999 has continued. Real GDP growth reached 4.13% in August 2000. Results of GDP growth are record exports, manufacturing growth, and increase household consumption. Besides there has been a significant increase in corporate debt restructuring. But Indonesia's banking and corporate sectors are still extremely weak. Banking sector reform has stalled. Progress on corruption cases is slow. Since the late 1980s, there have been significant changes that encouraged its economic growth. This growth was financed from private investment, both foreign and domestic.
But new foreign investment approvals fell by two-thirds between 1997-1999. The crisis pointed out areas where additional reform was needed. They were legal and judicial system, competitive processes, and adoption of internationally acceptable accounting.
After improvements in the laws recently, Indonesia's intellectual property rights regime remains weak; lack of effective enforcement and the area of private infrastructure projects are of a great concern Indonesia. It has a large labor force, abundant natural resources and modern infrastructure, but nevertheless private investment in projects ceased during the crisis. Conclusion.
So, what is happening in East Asia now? Strictly speaking, the same, that happened before it: the countries of Confucian culture play formation of new global center of economic and political power, and still the leading role. Certainly, the region cannot equally compete with 3 main centers of world economy and policy - the USA, ЕС, Japan. Most of the countries of the region still are poor, frequently inwardly unstable, and their development is based on the use of the adopted technologies. However great achievements of "tigers" and their “students” show that the region not only has enormous potential but also knows how to use its potential. Certainly, Singapore with its north-american indexes of GDP per capita is still the exception, but the rates of growth of this region are such, that it is clear: their output on the European level is the matter of time and, possibly , not too long.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Dibawah ini terdapat 10 kalimat Present Perfect Tense yang ditandai dengan warna ungu.
My wife and I have traveled as much possible since we retired. We’ve visited cousins in Australia, we have been to New Zealand twice. We’ve also when on safari In Africa. We’ve been to Europe a lot. Gina and I has spent time in Paris, in Madrid, and in several cities in Italy. We haven’t to Eastern Europe yet, though, we hope to visit Prague and Budapest next year.
My sister Betty have been born in United States, and she has never traveled outside the country-except once when she have been very young. But she have been to a lot of places in the U,S. She has visited most of the national parks: The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and so on. She has been to all of the big cities, too. In fact, she has lived in four different cities in the U.S: New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Fransisco. I think she have seen more of her own country than most people.


Dibawah ini terdapat 10 kalimat Future Tense yang ditandai dengan warna hijau.
I want you to imagine that you are about to visit a small village. It doesn't matter which country it's in because all villages are the same whichever part of the world they are in. There were only about 300 inhabitants in total in this particular village and everyone knew everybody's business. A typical street conversation would run like this: "I hear Joan's going to have a baby next year. I expect it'll be a boy this time I wouldn't be surprised. She's having a nurse come next week to help her with her 5 girls and maybe a boy will make life easier for her!" In this village people usually help each other whenever they can. If someone is going to the "big" town — that is where there are more than a thousand people living in it — invariably they will say to their neighbours: "I'll get you some vegetables, if you like". But it's not all sweetness and light here because there is a longstanding feud going on between two families. I'll let the local gossip, Mary tell you the background. "It must be ten years ago when it all started. I doubt it'll ever stop", she laughed when she said that. "But then I've been told I am to tell you the beginning of it all and also you are to listen, remember. There are two women who are always arguing about something. One of them lives in that huge house over there. Don't look now because she'll open her front door in a minute. She's going to catch the 9.15 bus that goes in ten minutes from that stop there. Now, she's a fine lady, she is. She's due to become a councillor next month after the elections and she'll probably make a good job of it. Now hold on a second the other lady is leaving her house in a minute. Yes, what did I say? She's going to catch the bus too but she'll get on at the next stop to avoid meeting the councillor lady. Now the second lady runs a small restaurant, as a matter of fact I'm taking lunch there later today." I asked Mary why these two women didn't get on. She looked me straight in the eye and said: "Jealousy. One runs a successful restaurant and the councillor lady runs a small guesthouse. Both of them are going to make a lot of money this year because of the festival but the guesthouse lady will make more and she always has done and that's the cause of the trouble."
Now what I haven't told you", continued Mary, "and I'm just about to reveal it, is that there are two other people in the story. Namely the son of one of the ladies and the daughter of the other. And yes, they are getting married next year and the whole village will be invited. It's going to be a big affair" I interrupted Mary at this point and asked her what had happened to the feud. "Oh that doesn't matter much now" continued Mary "they'll be too busy making arrangements for the wedding. They're due to meet a catering firm this morning". "So what's all this about separate bus stops?" I asked. "Oh, that's just for the tourists who are coming here next month." I tried to understand but had one more question: "And what about jealousy?" — "Now, you're not to worry about her. There are plenty of villages round here and she'll soon find another one to visit and cause trouble in" I thanked Mary and walked away, totally confused thinking to myself; "I shall never understand village life."

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Dibawah ini terdapat 10 kalimat Simple Present Tense yang ditandai dengan warna merah.
"It never gets you anywhere"
Andrew Smodley is a natural worrier. It is something he has inherited from his father — the king of all worriers. But then there are those who are never happy unless they have a problem to solve. Andrew worried about the weather, the state of the pound, his health, the cost of living and once he even worried because he thought he wasn't worrying enough. But that was in the past. Things have changed because something happened to him exactly two years ago.

It was in the spring when leaves appear on trees and nature prepares herself for renewal. Other things happen too — people often fall in love. Now Andrew doesn't have a romantic disposition. He never looks up at the leaves starting to grow, sighs and says: "Ah here comes the spring!" He simply thinks to himself: "I live in a small village by a little stream and around this time of year lots of creatures start to wake up and make a lot of noise." In London, which stands on the River Thames, people make a lot of noise all the time."
I apologize for the simplicity of these statements but I want to illustrate the unimaginative nature which Andrew possesses. Towards the end of this story I give examples to show the extent of the change that he underwent.
The other character in this anecdote is a young woman called Sally Fairweather. She too lives in this tiny and remote village where Andrew has his cottage. Now Sally is an entirely different kettle of fish. Her philosophy runs as follows: "Worrying never gets you anywhere and life is too short to waste time imagining the worst."
In a word she is the complete opposite in temperament of Andrew. Here comes another cliche: Opposites attract. But you must remember that two years ago the two main characters hadn't met, which was surprising when you consider the proximity of Andrew's cottage and Sally's flat. If you take the first left after the post office, you come to Sally's place and if you take the second turning to the right after that you come to the cottage where Andrew lives.
The next participant in this village drama is the weather, which plays a very significant part in English life. It was late April and the sun had disappeared behind dark heavy rain clouds but Andrew had already set off for the local pub. Naturally he had his umbrella with him and a heavy coat following that aphorism his mother always used: "Never cast a clout (remove an article of clothing) before May is out."
Fortunately he made it to the pub before the storm broke. The moment he crossed the doorstep an old schoolfriend comes up to Andrew, offers to buy him a drink and tells him not to look so worried. Andrew showed him the newspaper headlines: "Petrol prices rise again." — "But you haven't got a car" said his friend. — "I know", retorted Andrew, "still it means everything else will go up in price, too."
Everyone in the pub looks suitably depressed at this remark and begins to think of all the price increases that will follow. The gloom is palpable. Then suddenly the door bursts open and in walks our heroine, Sally looking like a drowned rat. Most people in the pub think to themselves: "What a pretty girl!" Andrew sees her as someone who is drenched and needs help. He walks over to her and asks if she is all right. For probably the first time in his life Andrew actually transferred his worry from himself to someone else and he mixes her a special drink to protect her from a possible cold. The conversation went as follows: "I hear you live in this village, too" — "How do you know?" asked Andrew.
But Sally changed the subject. "This drink tastes delicious. How did you make it?" — "I put a drop of ginger ale and a piece of lemon in the alcohol and then stir thoroughly. I always keep those two ingredients with me when I go out at night." Suddenly Sally looked at her watch: "I must fly. My train leaves in ten minutes." — "Don't forget to take those tablets I suggested and let me know how you are." — "I'll let you know as soon as I come back from London." And then she went.
Immediately Andrew started to worry. He didn't know her name, he didn't know her address and he felt strange. He checks his pulse. He tests his mental faculties: "Two and two make four." It was a different sort of worry that was almost a concern. He wants to see her again. Within seconds he rushed out of the pub leaving his coat behind, ran into the pouring rain with no umbrella. What was happening to him? He saw Sally standing on the platform getting into the train and the train leaving the station. He jumps down from the platform onto the track and waves at the train driver to stop. The train stops and Andrew gets onto it.
Six weeks after this extraordinary episode Sally got married. Andrew doesn't worry any more now. He stays calm. The obvious time when people expected him to start worrying was during the wedding ceremony in the village church just over two years ago. As he says, "I know what everyone was thinking. They thought I would go to pieces. But I was perfectly relaxed and I owe it all to Sally. She is certainly a wonderful wife. She smiled at me when we were standing at the altar and I stopped worrying from that moment on. You can see me looking relaxed in the newspaper pictures especially that one with the caption:


Dibawah ini terdapat 10 kalimat Simple Past Tense yang ditandai dengan warna biru.
Yesterday, I had a very rough day. I got up early to go shopping, but as soon as I stepped out of the door, it began to rain, so I had to go back to the apartment and get my umbrella. The elevator was out, so I had to climb six flights of stairs to get to my place. When I got back downstairs, I was so exhausted that I had to sit down on a bench to rest. By that time, it had stopped raining, but the ground was still wet. A brown dog came to where I was sitting and begged for something to eat. I tried to ignore him, but he splashed water all over my brand new shoes. Finally, the bus came, and I was on my way to the supermarket.
When I got to the supermarket, I realized I had forgotten my shopping list, so I couldn't remember everything I wanted to buy. The cashier was too busy to help me, so I gathered up a few items and carried them to the counter. After the cashier finished ringing up my purchase, he gave me the wrong change and stuffed my groceries into my small shopping cart. I was not in a good mood when I left the supermarket.
If that wasn't bad enough, I had a terrible time on the bus ride home. First, the bus driver yelled at me because I took too much time to get on. Couldn't he see that I had a cart full of groceries? Then, there were not seats. I'm sure that someone on the bus could have offered me a place to sit, but everyone was so rude. They pretended not to see me. I just stood there, leaned against one of the poles in the aisles, put my head down, and sighed.