Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

"Article of Music"

"Article of Music"
Heavy metal (or 'Metal') is a musical genre, often referred to as the progenitor of various metal subgenres (eg. black metal, death metal, etc.). Metal derives directly from blues and rock, even if in some sub-genres there is an evident influence of classical music. Heavy metal is mainly blues-based, using pentatonic scales and a blues-like song structure whilst displaying aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, generally with grandiose lyrics and virtuoso instrumentation. These lyrics sometimes include dark thematic elements, or are based on fantasy themes and Celtic mysticism.
Heavy metal is a development of blues, blues rock, and psychedelic rock. Its origins lie in the hard rock bands that between 1966 and 1975 took blues and rock and created a hybrid with a heavy, guitar-and-drums-centred sound. Heavy metal had its peak popularity in the mid-1980s, during which many of the now existing sub-genres first evolved. Although not as commercially successful as it was then, heavy metal still has a large world-wide following of fans known by terms like 'head-bangers' and 'metal-heads'.

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